学 位:博士
研究方向:团簇 团簇催化 二维材料 分子器件等
[1] W L Xie, X X Jiang, X H Xu, Q Gao, X L Sun, L Yang, X Zuo, D M Li, B Cui, and D S Liu, Theoretical design of NbS2 based bifunctional single transition metal atom catalysts for overall water splitting. Int. J. Hydrogen. Energ., 2024, 81, 75-80.
[2] Y Q Ma, L K Li, W L Xie, K N Li, C L Yang, Effects of oriented external electric field on the structural, electronic, and optical properties of Au19 and Au19± clusters, Chem. Phy. Lett., 2024, 848, 141375
[3] Li L K, Ma Y Q, Li K N, Xie W L, Huang B. Structural and electronic properties of H2, CO, CH4, NO, and NH3 adsorbed onto Al12Si12 nanocages using density functional theory. Comput. Theor. Chem., 2023, 11, 1143951.
[4] Xie W L, Yang C L.* Hydrogen generation from water splitting by 3H2O+Pd13®3H2+Pd13O3 reaction. Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 2022, 202200010, 1-8.
[5] Xie W L, Jiang X X, Xu G, Xu X H, Gao Q, Li D M, Cui B,* Liu D S*. H2 generation from catalytic water dissociation on doped nanocluster Pt6X (X=C, Si, and Ge). Phy. Lett. A, 2022, 432, 127990.
[6] Jiang X X, Xie W L, Xu X H, Gao Q, Li D M, Cui B,* Liu D S,* Qu F Y.* Bifunctional GeC/SnSSe heterostructure for high-efficient photocatalyst and photovoltaic devices. Nanoscale. 2022, 14, 7292-7302.
[7] Xie W L, Sun Z D.* Hydrogen generation from water splitting by catalysts of platinum-based clusters Pt3X (X=Al, Si, Cu) and CO oxidation by their by-products. Chinese. J. Chem. Phys., 2020, 33(1), 58-64.